Los Angeles Opioid Treatment Center

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Getting Help With Opioid Addiction

Addiction is a problem that millions of people face every day. In some cases, addiction is caused by the use of illicit drugs and alcohol. However, in other cases, addiction comes from drugs that we are prescribed by doctors. This can, unfortunately, lead to accidental addiction for those who are taking medication that they were prescribed. One such instance where this happens quite frequently is with the use of opioids. Opioid addiction is one of the most prevalent forms of addiction in the United States. For many, it is a struggle to get the help they need in order to become clean and begin on the road to recovery.

The first step in dealing with addiction is admitting you have a problem and seeking treatment from a licensed treatment facility. This can be a difficult process because many don’t know where to turn or where to get the help they need to break the cycle of addiction and be free of opioids. At Northridge Detox Center, we believe that everyone deserves to get the help they need to be free of addiction. That is why we are proud to offer a place where people can go to get help in a medically supervised environment, where our highly trained staff cares about the safety and well-being of all of our clients.

Once you realize you have a problem and decide to get treatment, the first step in the process is to come to our facility and begin opioid detox in Los Angeles. We know that it can be scary and often difficult to receive this kind of treatment, but it is the only true way to get sober and return to a life free of addiction.

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Opioid Treatment,Addiction,Los Angeles
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What Are Opioids? And How Are They Used?

Opioids are a type of drug that is derived from the poppy plant. For many years, opioids were used in their most basic form to relieve pain. Over time, the use of drugs like opium and heroin began to become more widespread and were often used in medical procedures as well as treatment after surgery and other medical work was done. In the modern-day, opioids are most often prescribed as pain relievers by doctors. Because of this, opioids are widely available, and millions of Americans take them every day.

Because of the way in which opioids interact with the body, they are considered highly addictive, and many are regulated at a high level, income, and the number of prescriptions is controlled. Certain opioids, such as fentanyl and heroin, are also considered illegal, which carries criminal penalties. Because of the widespread availability of opioids, many people become addicted, even unknowingly or accidentally, due to prescriptions they are taking.

Over time, as a person uses opioids, the body begins to adjust to the presence of the drug in the system and the central nervous system. The opioid receptors in the body become dependent on and accustomed to having the drug. This leads many people to begin finding other ways to use the drug and acquire the drug once their natural prescription or supply runs out. The chemical dependency caused by the opioids eventually leads to full-blown addiction. Medical intervention is necessary, and the likelihood of side effects and life-altering situations is increased.

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How Long Does it Take to Detox from Opioids?

Detox is an important first step on the road to recovery from addiction. However, detox is not a simple process, and depending on the person, and the amount of time that they’ve been using opioids, the process could take longer and be more problematic. A person typically begins to experience cravings and withdrawal symptoms of opioids within the first few hours after stopping. For this reason, it is highly important that a person enters medical opioid detox to avoid harmful withdrawal side effects, and potentially serious medical complications.

The time for the timeline for detox and withdrawal can vary by person. But on average, a person can expect detox to last between five and seven days. During this time, it is important that the person be monitored by the medically trained staff to avoid any potential issues and to make sure that the detox stays going according to plan. While detox typically lasts 5 to 7 days, it is possible to still experience withdrawal symptoms weeks after the process has been completed. Our medically trained staff may provide medication to assist with the detox process and to alleviate some of the symptoms of withdrawal that may persist afterward.

Symptoms of Opioid Withdrawal

Once you decide to stop using opioids and enter our treatment facility for detox, the timeline truly begins for your recovery. As we stated, opioid withdrawal can start within a few hours after stopping use, and the symptoms can range from mild to severe depending on the severity of the addiction and the health of the person.

Symptoms of opioid withdrawal may include cravings that grow more intense as the withdrawal continues. Anxiety, fear, nausea, altered mood, and behavioral changes can occur along with physical pain and other symptoms.

The detox process at Northridge Detox Center begins with an evaluation of the severity of your opioid addiction and your physical health at the time of admission. Once the evaluation is complete, our trained medical staff will develop a plan for your specific detox needs, including the length of time for your detoxification and any medications necessary to complete the process safely. The detox process can take anywhere from five to seven days; all the while, our trained medical staff will be watching over you to make sure that you’re happy, healthy, and comfortable until the process is complete.

What to Expect When Entering an Opioid Detox Center

Once you enter our facility, you will be greeted by our caring staff and given an evaluation to determine your specific needs. At this point, we will develop an individualized plan tailored to your specific addiction and your health needs, and your goals for treatment and recovery. Once detox is complete, it is time to begin the treatment process, which can involve many types of therapy, including individual therapy, group therapy, and 12 step programs.

Once treatment is complete, a client typically attends aftercare services, including peer support, continued therapy, and other programs that help facilitate a smooth transition back into everyday life.

We believe that everyone deserves a chance to get clean and stay that way, and that is why we do our best to provide all the support that a person needs to begin their treatment journey and continue it through until they are ready to return to their normal life without the need for opioids or other drugs.

Los Angeles Opioid Detox Center

Once you’ve decided it’s time to get treatment, your next step is to come to our treatment facility at Northridge Detox Center, where we will give you all the support and tools you need to recover from addiction. Our goal is not simply to get the opioids out of your system, but to treat the underlying cause of your addiction and give you the tools necessary to deal with life without the need for opioids on a long-term basis.

We understand that addiction is a struggle, and that’s why we want you to know that we’re here to help. Addiction is a lifelong battle, but it doesn’t have to be one that you fight alone. When you’re ready to get treatment for your opioid addiction, don’t hesitate to contact Northridge Detox Center today and get started on your road to recovery.

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